“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” – Unknown
Life is not all about the successes. Life is going to present us with challenges and sometimes they are going to feel as if they are unbearable or there is no way out. Never forget, where there is a will there is away. However, not everyone handles challenges the same way, but what I know is that we all want to be singing the victory song at the end of a stormy season. Well, that’s what I want, and believe me, there is no way to be victorious acting like victims. Furthermore, you never want to be running away from the challenges you are faced with in your life. Here are seven practical things you can do when you feel challenged:
  • Think before you act – Sometimes during challenging situations we act without thinking because we are so eager to get pass the challenging moments. Without thinking we sometimes put ourselves in a deeper bind.
  • Take a moment to breath and relax – It is wise to take a moment to step back in order for you to can get clarity and also to get a more objective view of your situation.
  • Get outside support – No matter how optimistic you are there are going to be times when the journey seems unbearable and you are going to need a sounding board or just someone to listen.
  • Don’t blame others for your current situation – We have to take 100% responsibility of our lives, and in fact, blaming in itself will keep you stuck. Being stuck is not the feeling you want to enhance when you are challenged, so therefore don’t blame others for where you are.
  • Accept the changes in life – We cannot stop change and accepting it will lessen the pressure of feeling bogged down. Change is a good thing. It makes us think outside the box.
  • Look for the opportunity to grow – As it has been said, in every difficulty or challenge there is an equal or greater opportunity. 
  • Don’t give up – Don’t let a challenge make you forget why you started on your quest in the first place, and by all means savor the success you attain along the way.
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