Tuesday, July 29, 2014


If you have a vision that caters only for your needs then you are too small to be significant. True leaders develop visions that meet the needs of others and in the fulfillment of that, their own needs get met. They think from the macro to the micro. They think from outside in. Martin Luther King did not have to get involved with civil rights to be comfortable but he did. Take a look at a lot of the leaders who have become borderless and timeless. They did things that really they did not have to do to be comfortable. They were driven by a vision, passion, boldness and wit beyond personal comfort and in the expression of these they became people that ignite passion in others. Each generation has its borderless and timeless leaders whose thoughts and sayings still make their way into some of the world’s greatest speeches today. Nelson Mandela has stood over Africa like a colossus as the reference point of leadership. As the curtain begins to draw on that generation, a search is now on for the next generation of leaders that will be able to speak for the continent and that will command global respect. Where are these people who have a proven track record of personal sacrifice in the interest of their Nations and indeed the stability of the continent? The day can be today and the person can be you. A decision to live outside of yourself will dramatically differentiate you from the norm. It will set you on the course of significance. A lot of people in public service are on a get rich at all cost journey. What they should remember is this. Multitudes of extremely wealthy people have walked the face of the earth and are totally forgotten today. However there are some names that can never be forgotten. What do these ones have in common? What differentiated them from the rest of the wealthy pack? They lived outside of themselves and they made an impact and a difference in the lives of others. At the end, it is not about how much you accumulate but rather about how far the little you have goes in making the world a better place for someone else. That is when you move from success to significance. It is of such people that it is written that the world was not worthy of them. - #MosesToday AS A YOUTH CHAMPION AND AN ADVOCATE FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE I AINT DOING THIS FOR MY OWN,I AM PROPELLED BY A DESIRE TO BETER MY LIFE AND THAT OF AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND SERVICE TO MANKIND.......www.mosesnjoroge.blogspot.com   

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