Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Think like The Successful

“When you
put your efforts into your gift, you are giving God something to bless.” ―
Steve Harvey

Are they smarter than you?

Not really.The difference is that they may just think differently from the way you
think. It is evident that thinking in a certain way will enhance the
possibility of you accomplishing more out of life. Why? Just look around
you and you’ll see individuals from the environment/background that are
similar who have achieved more than the other. To be smarter I
believe is to select that thing you love and give your all to it. Make
connection with like-minded individuals. Act is if you want what you say you
want. Remember that a failure in not final. Treat every mishap as valuable
experience. Eliminate the use of excuses because they’ll only hold you back and
it is very important that you respect yourself.

 Don’t doubt the possibility of
you making it.

You want to
create a better life for yourself but get up every day doubting the possibility
of it ever happening is just crazy.  You may have heard the saying if you
think you’re beaten, you are. So, don’t think you are beaten! Check
history and you’ll see that none of those who succeed in life doubt the
possibility of them being successful. However, some may say that they were
before they realized that it was them who was stopping them from achieving
what is possible. It was through that awareness that they change the way they
think and then things began to change.

You must believe in the

 Set yourself S.M.A.R.T

In regards to
your goals, you want to make it S.M.A.R.T. Your goal should be specific,
measurable, attainable, and relevant and should be anchored to
a time frame in which you wanted to accomplish your goal. A goal need a
plan – a step-by-step plan and the plan that you create to accomplish your
desired goal should be tailored to you. After your goal is tailored to you, you
must get in the mindset of giving your desired goal the time and effort it
will need in order to make it a reality. You want to be optimistic in
your approach. You want to align yourself with like-minded
individuals. You want to let go of any disbelief of why the goal maybe
impossible. Set your standards and stick with it.

Focus your energy.

yourself to something and focus your energy on that which you want to
accomplish. Remember, you can’t be everywhere, do everything and know
everybody. By focusing your energy on the important things in your
life you’ll see greater improvement in those areas in a shorter time than being
all over the place trying to do everything that present itself.

Don’t be the smartest in your

Don’t be
afraid to be challenged. Being around others who make you stretch will help you
to improve on you. It is wise to know that we don’t know it all and even the
things we thing we know can still be improve upon. If you haven’t already you
want to start hanging around other people who stretch you, make you think and challenged
you think you on what you already think know.

Think outside the box!

It is
possible to go beyond limitations. It may not be easy, but it is possible.

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